Thursday, October 14, 2010

October News 2010

Kevin, the girls, cousins Cade & Nolan with Auntie Karla at the PRC Corn Maze for Naomi's 2nd birthday.

Taking in the Polar Bear at Como Zoo.
What's fall without jumping in a leaf pile?!
 Is it really October already?  Many of you may have the same thing in your head as well.  Days seem to be finishing faster than the leaves falling from the trees.  Yet, even with the fading of days and flourishing growth, we have seen life--and would like to share that with you.

"Is anyone sitting here?" 

It all started there.  We (Kevin and I...without the kids) had the blessing to take part in a 3-day prayer, teaching, and fasting conference called Accelerate at the beginning of the month.  To break the 24-hour period of fasting incorporated into the time, there was, of course, a meal.  We planted ourselves at a lovely table for four overlooking the lake...and no one seemed to join us.  Fair enough.  Kevin got up to get another roll, leaving me alone with 2 nearly empty trays.  Perhaps I looked lonely, maybe friendly, or at the very least like I had a great appetite...  At any rate there was a couple that slowly passed by, and I thought to myself, "Hmmm...they could sit here if they wanted...."  Just then, the wife backtracked and asked if there was room at our table.  I was delighted to have them.  Kevin returned and we start the usual small talk.  They asked where we're from...  Now, most would have an 'oh really?' reaction when told Ireland.  But they took it in stride.  Turns out that her sister is working with Wycliff in the Dublin area!  Her husband has been to Galway...  Oh, God has a wonderful sense of humor.  Of the hundreds of people at this conference, we end up sharing a meal and great conversation with a couple personally connected with Ireland.

"What are you doing this Friday?"

That wonderful bit of conversation with our new friends described above ended with a great invitation.  He is an Associate Pastor in the Cities who heads up the church's small groups.  The last quote is the invitation to speak at his group.  Amazing what God can do through a little hospitality, and a lot of His doing!

"Are you guys free on the 17th...of this month?"

Sometimes, we just need carrots.  I know that sounds random, but think of the picture of the horse/mule that has the carrot dangled in front of it to keep it moving in the right direction.  We received some great focused time at the prayer and fasting conference, and honestly that is what we went for:  direction, vision, passion, purpose--in short, Jesus.  In our hunger for Him first, He gave us carrots, which in our case equate to opportunities.  Along with small group opportunity mentioned before, we also had a pastor, a mere acquaintance really, offer us a spot to speak to his congregation this month.  Totally unexpected.  Definitely God.  Motivation to keep moving forward.


More 'food' came from Dr. Jack Hayford, who was the guest speaker at the Accelerate prayer/fasting conference.  A pastor to pastors to be sure, but we found him more like a wise, gentle grandpa who shares the lessons of years gone by and insights to carry one through to the future.  We had some great "ah-ha!" moments during his teachings that we would like to share in hopes of encouraging you as well.

The following thoughts are paraphrases of Dr. Jack Hayford; his context is Revelation chapter 1.

It is the entrance of Jesus who is always about to arrive.  He is never late.  He always comes right on time, which is the right time.

John, on the Isle of Patmos could be said to be a bit down.  He probably figures this is the end, there is no changing his circumstances....yep, he's figuring on dying on this island.


But then Jesus...

"When I saw Him, I fell at His feet like a dead man.  And He placed His right hand on me and said:  "Do not be afraid.  I am the First and Last."" (Rev 1:17 NASB)

Like John we may just figure these are the way things are.  All it takes is that touch from Jesus to change everything and revive us.

God writes our personal history, not just the history of the world; the story may not end in the way we figure.  You don't know what's next...we figure when things go wrong it's because of us.

Think about this:  John's largest ministry came after he thought it was the end--writing the Gospel according to John didn't happen till he was off of Patmos. 

We find a real sense of freedom in this teaching.  Not that we look to shirk responsibility for our lives, but that we would further acknowledge that the lives we live are for Him and by Him.  Who are we to think we are so influential that we can mess up God's design?

Whether we have to raise $15 or (more realistically) $1500 a month, live in Wells or Galway, leave in a month or a year...the hope and the goal is to "seek first His Kingdom and His righteousness"(Matt 6:33 NASB),  
and know that Jesus can show up at any time.

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