Wednesday, November 17, 2010

November News 2010

Seventy degrees in November.


There must be some mistake because every November in Minnesota history has hovered just above freezing, hasn’t it? Granted the start of winter here has not been what was expected, but who’s complaining?!

Weather, like our life with Jesus, can rarely if ever be controlled.  Sometimes we are pleasantly surprised, and others painfully unprepared. Just because it’s sunny in the morning doesn’t mean the clouds aren’t going to roll in by afternoon. What matters is where we seek shelter; in Whom we trust.

Warm sunny day at Como Zoo
Making our own scarecrow at a Fall Festival the last day of October.
 Fun in the sun turns to fun in the snow almost overnight!

Our ginormous snowman we made just a week later!
This was Naomi's first real experience with snow.

Ireland is no stranger to quick changes.  From being one of the most prosperous nations in the world to one whose economy is, to be blunt, tanking in the span of only 3-5 years.

·         Unemployment in Galway climbs as nearly 12,000 of the 72,000 residents, 16%, are out of work.
·         People who emigrated to Ireland during the “Celtic Tiger” (economic boom) are leaving the country to find work and stability.
·         Rumors continue to circulate about the Republic needing a financial bailout, but refusing it.  Ireland had to fight so hard for its independence that it is reluctant to be “ruled” again.

Uncertainty lurks about as YfC Ireland is without a national director, and the main steering committee in Dublin has stepped down. YfC Europe will oversee any activity in the Republic now. What that means for us:  Unless we, as volunteers, make it happen YfC Galway will not exist.  We are praying if this is our cause to champion.

Another area we are praying about is our future church ministry with GCF. Belfast. England. Australia. South America. Dublin… Nearly all of our young adults group have relocated within the last 2 months for work or schooling.  At the same time, at least 6 of our youth group members (which is almost the entire group) are getting ready to leave for university. We are wondering and asking God about how to handle this change.

Financesit’s no secret that giving is down and fundraising is difficult for missionaries all over, ourselves included.  What we know for sure is that not a day goes by that we don’t want to be in Ireland; Jesus is the provider for our present and our future.

 Thankful--even in the midst of uncertainty and feeling stretched inside out--because Jesus is certain.

Thankful for a warm house and cozy beds.

Thankful the kids are safe and healthy.

Thankful to have an outlet to minister while in the States.

Thankful for the generosity of people like yourself who believe not necessarily in just us, but in the One God who has called us to bring the Gospel of Jesus to Ireland youth.

Blessings in Him—
the Gamradts

1 comment:

Alli said...

haha found it now im gonna try every way possible to harass u :)