Wednesday, June 30, 2010

June News

Greetings all you faithful readers.  This marks the first of the bi-monthly, non-paper-published, news editions.  All this said, thank you for joining us.

As we simmer here in June, we can't help but look ahead to August, when we are in faith slated to move back to Galway.  We talk about what estate we would like to live in, where Sarai should attend school, what may have changed and how to adapt.  We have hopes and aspirations for what God will do with and in the GCF youth group and Worship Team, and dream of orchestrating a Youth for Christ city-wide youth event for September.  We believe God for an awakening in Galway, starting with the youth and young adults.  

Right now it's easy to get caught up in the busy-ness of this "lazy" season:  Fundraising, meetings, swimming lessons, birthdays, travel, helping out with youth group, worship band, practice for worship band, visiting family, friends and supporters...  But in all the frantic run around, there is the hope of the future.  The desire has not faded.  The call is unchanged.  Even with loads of opportunities to mentor youth, lead worship, speak in churches--to be used and feel useful Stateside--there is an aching within us that draws us back to Ireland.

All the hullabaloo can seem overpowering.  The hope of the future has made it all seem more worthwhile.  However, with the hope there is challenge.  We have been chewing on how faith feeds hope and visa versa.  Also, about letting the King of Peace rule over our hearts so these two things have a chance to take root.  If there is time to be busy and yet watch TV, or FaceBook, or train for a Triathalon, is there any wonder why life seems chaotic?  Our family is looking this in the eye...  Where is the peace when I/we have room for every other thing but spending time in the Peace of Jesus, with Jesus?  How can the dreams of our hearts have any reality without spending time with the One who gave them to us?  Tough morsel to gnaw, and one we are just beginning to dish out on the table.  Ministry has to be more than just the vision given in times past.  It has to be built on with the hope of the future, the faith to see it through.  Money will get us to Ireland, but investing in our hearts so that we can give out to others will have eternal hope and value, both of which are much needed there.

So I guess that brings my ramblings to a close for this month.  Yes we need your prayers.  Definitely we need your financial support.  Undoubtedly, we long to get back to Galway--and we can't do such without the above in effect.  Thank you for all who contribute, we are so very grateful and blessed.

In Prayer:
  • Major storms have hit Southern Minnesota in the past two weeks.  Between over 5 tornado sightings, touchdowns within 20 miles of us and strong winds in town, there have been some heavy losses (as you can see in the pictures below, click to enlarge).  Please pray for all that are affected; financially, structurally, and for their morale and spirits to not be crushed.

    • We are moving into the thick of our travel time to speak at open houses, small groups, churches and interested individuals; favor, finances, traveling graces (especially on long road trips with the whole fam)
    • For our financial needs to be met so we can return to Ireland by the end of August as planned.
      • Vision for the youth group, worship, and Galway city-wide outreaches starting up again in the fall.
      Visual Tour:

      What we do when we're not on the road... 

      Kevin helping re-shingle a friends roof.

      Sarai and Hannah at swimming lessons in Wells.


       Maureen taking a much deserved break.


      Kevin and sister Karla stretching out with their coaching team before the big race.

      Sarai, Hannah and Kevin back from some birthday fishing on Friedenburg Lake near Duluth.

      Naomi taking a break to sample some of the local water.

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