Wednesday, March 5, 2014

March News 2014

We can hardly believe how fast this New Year is going by.  Of course having four kids does help speed up life!  Our oldest Sarai continues to race toward the tweener years with her 4th grade field trip to Northern Minnesota just around the corner—the first time away from parents and all relatives.  Hannah is in constant motion between dancing at ballet lessons and socializing at play dates.  Naomi is showing she is no longer the little sister by really progressing in school and conquering the climbing wall at the local YMCA.  Abigail is keeping everybody busy with crawling into everything and walking with assistance. Maureen has been using her Etsy shop and sewing creations to recover from all the excitement at home.
As for me, the added responsibility of helping oversee all the missions trips into Puerto Rico has been making things speed by.  I had the privilege of being in Puerto Rico for the first part of the New Year leading 11 people from a Baptist Church in Florida.  This team claimed they didn't have any skill set and just wanted to serve those of Puerto Rico.  However, being willing to serve is a ministry in itself and was perfect for their host church. St Pablo Methodist in the Barrio Obrero is located in inner city San Juan and there is plenty of opportunity with homeless and mercy ministry to serve the community.  The Florida team was amazing at loving on people and helping them to feel valued.  This had even more impact because it was happening over 3 kings Day—the traditional Christmas Holiday in Puerto Rico.  The people of the PR church that were serving with the team were from broken families and failed relationships.  For several of the church members this was their first Christmas with a family.  From baking cookies and making cards with the team, it was amazing seeing Christ’s love being poured out in Barrio Obrero through simple acts of spending time with someone.

It was so special for me to return to the church, St. Pablo Methodist, because it was the one that I had the honor of serving with last summer.  In particular, there was a young man there referred to as the Tasmanian Angel.  This same man had been flirting with every girl on the American team during our first partnership.  In January he was asking the group leader and several team members question after question about God.  It was amazing seeing that transition from seeking the attention of the people around him to seeking after God.  Being a part of that growth and seeing it happen is yet another reminder of why I am part of this ministry.

I just can't wait for this summer and to see how God uses the teams that we lead.  Adding to my excitement is the fact there is a buzz among the pastors in Puerto Rico about these trips—last year’s ministry has shown them a taste of what Praying Pelican Misions is about.   Just today I had some (Puerto Rican) church leaders show up to a meeting when they heard that it was with PPM.  It was amazing hearing their heart for their people and the need for help in reaching their community with the hope and love of Jesus.  Like most of the churches in Puerto Rico the need is becoming greater then their resources. Partnering with PPM, bringing U.S. teams in to serve, could be the answer to meeting many of those needs.  That meeting was a very humbling experience, and it gives me all the more reason to return with more teams.

I look forward to being able share more of what God is doing here in Puerto Rico.  Thank you to all of you whom are supporting us with finances and in prayer.  It is truly a blessing.  We would not be able to do this without you.

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